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International Summer School vom 16. bis 21. September an der HdM Stuttgart

Stuttgart. Die Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart und das Goethe-Institut richten im September 2019 gemeinsam eine International Summer School aus. Und es wird auch 2019 wieder richtig international: Bislang sind Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus 15 verschiedenen Ländern angemeldet. Das Motto 2019 ist Digital Transformation. In den interaktiven Seminaren werden Themen wie Learning Spaces, Places of Commoning, Social Innovation und Smart Libraries bearbeitet.


In folgenden Seminaren sind noch wenige Plätze frei:


Seminar 2: Come together! Places of commoning (16 - 18 September 2019)

Lecturer: Barbara Zoé Kiolbassa M.A. & Fanny Kranz M.A. (ZKM Karlsruhe)


How do we 'come together' - and where? Cultural institutions and public spaces are being transformed by the networked societies of the digital age. In our participatory culture (Henry Jenkins), we learn to share and co-produce knowledge, embrace creativity and experiments as well as imagine new forms of community. What does this mean for places such as museums or libraries?


In this workshop, we want to 'come together' and rethink spaces of learning, working, cultural exchange and knowledge production. Let's imagine new 'places of commoning': how do we spark encounters? How do spatial conditions influence community building? What can places of dialogue look like? Over the course of our three-day workshop, we'll dip into theories of space and art-based interventions – only to put our ideas into practice in an actual museum space. Let's see what our ideal 'place of commoning' will look like...


Seminar 3: Libraries helping people: Design thinking as a framework for librarians to bring social innovations (19 - 21 September 2019)

Lecturer: Tomáš Štefek


It is not a revolution. It is innovation. Social innovation. That could mean almost anything that helps people to live better lives, especially those who need it most. It could mean designing something very new, could be also an already running service reframed with different, social or community perspective. Starting with mapping the needs and problems of people and communities around, so the service fits to their lives. Analyzing opportunities, possible users, stakeholders and competencies to build a win-win-win result: helping people, partners and also the library itself. Talking to people involved for getting new insights, team work, stroming with ideas for the solution, getting rid of the bad ones, making the good ones even better, in order to make the service most useful, sustainable, inclusive. Constantly asking WHY we should do this or that, coming to WHAT we could do, and finally getting to HOW to do it. The workshop will take you all the way through the service designing process, which is one of the best ways to bring social innovations to the light. Trying to solve the right problem first, then to solve it the right way, resulting in an evidence-based and user-tested prototype. Is it going to be a service? What kind? A space? A product? An activity? No one knows, because it depends on who will meet there and what we will find out.


Weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit, einen Platz zu reservieren: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/iw/summerschool/


Und falls Sie sich Sorgen machen, Ihr Englisch wäre nicht gut genug: Das ist unbegründet! Sowohl die Referentinnen und Referenten als auch die anderen Teilnehmer/-innen sind keine Muttersprachler/-innen. Englisch ist nur die gemeinsame Arbeitssprache und das klappt erfahrungsgemäß sehr gut.

Cornelia Vonhof, HdM / 8.7.2019


International Summer School vom 16. bis 21. September an der HdM Stuttgart

Stuttgart. Die Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart und das Goethe-Institut richten im September 2019 gemeinsam eine International Summer School aus. Und es wird auch 2019 wieder richtig international: Bislang sind Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus 15 verschiedenen Ländern angemeldet. Das Motto 2019 ist Digital Transformation. In den interaktiven Seminaren werden Themen wie Learning Spaces, Places of Commoning, Social Innovation und Smart Libraries bearbeitet.


In folgenden Seminaren sind noch wenige Plätze frei:


Seminar 2: Come together! Places of commoning (16 - 18 September 2019)

Lecturer: Barbara Zoé Kiolbassa M.A. & Fanny Kranz M.A. (ZKM Karlsruhe)


How do we 'come together' - and where? Cultural institutions and public spaces are being transformed by the networked societies of the digital age. In our participatory culture (Henry Jenkins), we learn to share and co-produce knowledge, embrace creativity and experiments as well as imagine new forms of community. What does this mean for places such as museums or libraries?


In this workshop, we want to 'come together' and rethink spaces of learning, working, cultural exchange and knowledge production. Let's imagine new 'places of commoning': how do we spark encounters? How do spatial conditions influence community building? What can places of dialogue look like? Over the course of our three-day workshop, we'll dip into theories of space and art-based interventions – only to put our ideas into practice in an actual museum space. Let's see what our ideal 'place of commoning' will look like...


Seminar 3: Libraries helping people: Design thinking as a framework for librarians to bring social innovations (19 - 21 September 2019)

Lecturer: Tomáš Štefek


It is not a revolution. It is innovation. Social innovation. That could mean almost anything that helps people to live better lives, especially those who need it most. It could mean designing something very new, could be also an already running service reframed with different, social or community perspective. Starting with mapping the needs and problems of people and communities around, so the service fits to their lives. Analyzing opportunities, possible users, stakeholders and competencies to build a win-win-win result: helping people, partners and also the library itself. Talking to people involved for getting new insights, team work, stroming with ideas for the solution, getting rid of the bad ones, making the good ones even better, in order to make the service most useful, sustainable, inclusive. Constantly asking WHY we should do this or that, coming to WHAT we could do, and finally getting to HOW to do it. The workshop will take you all the way through the service designing process, which is one of the best ways to bring social innovations to the light. Trying to solve the right problem first, then to solve it the right way, resulting in an evidence-based and user-tested prototype. Is it going to be a service? What kind? A space? A product? An activity? No one knows, because it depends on who will meet there and what we will find out.


Weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit, einen Platz zu reservieren: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/iw/summerschool/


Und falls Sie sich Sorgen machen, Ihr Englisch wäre nicht gut genug: Das ist unbegründet! Sowohl die Referentinnen und Referenten als auch die anderen Teilnehmer/-innen sind keine Muttersprachler/-innen. Englisch ist nur die gemeinsame Arbeitssprache und das klappt erfahrungsgemäß sehr gut.

Cornelia Vonhof, HdM / 8.7.2019

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