
Open Science Conference 2020: Call for Poster Presentations & Call for Speakers

Berlin. The Open Science Conference (11-12 March 2020, Berlin, Germany) is one of the most important international conferences of the Open Science movement. The Open Science Conference is unique because it offers a forum for professionals from different fields. Both researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers and policy makers from all over the world come to the International Open Science Conference to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science.


This both calls invite the research community as well as further important stakeholders of the Open Science movement to submit an abstract for one of the following calls.


(a) Call for Poster Presentations


(b) Call for Speakers



Call for Poster Presentations

We invite you to submit project presentations and other contributions covering topics including (but not limited to):

  • Recent innovations to support open science practices and their application and acceptance in scientific communities
  • Empirical studies and use cases about the scientific benefit of open science practices and their impact in society
  • Best practices dealing with open science education and science communication to the broad public

Further information: https://www.open-science-conference.eu/calls2020/



Call for Speakers

Carefully selected plenary talks given by international experts are an essential part of the conference programme. Speakers are invited by the programme committee. With this call we invite you to apply for a plenary talk at the conference. Talks should address Open Science aspects on a broader level and cover topics including (but not limited to):

  • Resume on open science practices and their application and acceptance in scientific communities
  • Overview on existing research on the scientific benefit of open science practices and their impact in society
  • Overview on open science education and science communication to the broad public

Further information: https://www.open-science-conference.eu/calls2020/

red. / 11.9.19

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